Role of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in resumption of meiosis.

  • Publication date : 1999-03-25


Conti M, Andersen CB, Richard FJ, Shitsukawa K, Tsafriri A. Role of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in resumption of meiosis. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 1998;145:9-14. PubMed PMID: 9922093.

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3',5'-cyclic-amp phosphodiesterases animals cyclic amp female meiosis oocytes oogenesis ovarian follicle phosphodiesterase inhibitors signal transduction


In the follicles of the mammalian and amphibian ovary, oocyte maturation is arrested at the prophase of the first meiotic division. Prior to ovulation, oocytes reenter the cell cycle, complete the meiotic division, and extrude the first polar body. Work from several laboratories including ours has provided evidence that the cAMP-mediated signal transduction pathway plays an important role in regulation of meiosis, the cyclic nucleotide acting as a negative regulator of maturation. Since cAMP can be regulated both at the level of synthesis and degradation, our laboratory is investigating the role of phosphodiesterases (PDE) in the control of cAMP levels of oocytes. Using pharmacological and molecular tools, we have determined that a PDE3 is the enzyme involved in the control of cAMP levels in the oocytes. In vitro and in vivo studies have established that inhibition of the oocyte PDE3 blocks resumption of a PDE is per se sufficient to cause resumption of meiosis in an amphibian oocyte model. The pathways regulating this PDE isoform expressed in the oocyte is under investigation, as they may uncover the physiological signals controlling meiosis.