Automated High-Performance Analysis of Lung Morphometry.

  • Publication date : 2015-08-03


Sallon C, Soulet D, Provost PR, Tremblay Y. Automated High-Performance Analysis of Lung Morphometry. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 2015;53:149-58. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2014-0469MA. PubMed PMID: 25695836.

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animals animals, newborn bronchopulmonary dysplasia humans image interpretation, computer-assisted lung mice software


Automation of lung morphometric analysis is an asset in the study of lung pathophysiology because it is an assurance of robustness, reproducibility, and rapidity. The novel automated morphometric approach presented here meets these criteria. This new method collects multiple parameters, allowing quantitative elucidation of the pathophysiology of the developing and mature lungs. The automated morphometric analysis is reliable and allows the analysis of a greater proportion of each lung together with a higher number of samples and superior reproducibility than manual analysis. The use of this method revealed that treatment with 80% oxygen and lung development presented an opposite effect on most of the analyzed parameters. In conclusion, this novel approach allowed the collection of new fundamental morphometric data on lung development and a deeper comprehension of the effect of hyperoxia.