The Nuclear Receptor COUP-TFII Regulates Amhr2 Gene Transcription via a GC-Rich Promoter Element in Mouse Leydig Cells.
pH-induced variations in the TK1 gene model.
Prenatal Exposure to Environmentally-Relevant Contaminants Perturbs Male Reproductive Parameters Across Multiple Generations that are Partially Protected by Folic Acid Supplementation
Primary cilia: biosensors of the male reproductive tract.
Distribution and dynamics of mitochondrial DNA methylation in oocytes, embryos and granulosa cells.
Gene expression analysis of follicular cells revealed inflammation as a potential IVF failure cause.
In vivo ablation of the conserved GATA binding motif in the Amh promoter impairs Amh expression in the male mouse.
Phosphorylation of GATA4 serine 105 but not serine 261 is required for testosterone production in the male mouse.
Anti-mitochondrial autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and their association with disease manifestations.
L'éthique du hamburger : Penser l'agriculture et l'alimentation au XXIe siècle
Genetic Instability and Chromatin Remodeling in Spermatids.
Effect of heifer age on the granulosa cell transcriptome after ovarian stimulation.
Screening for small for gestational age using third-trimester ultrasound markers: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of screening test accuracy.
First-Trimester Uterine Artery Doppler for the Prediction of Preeclampsia in Nulliparous Women: The Great Obstetrical Syndrome Study.
Different pre-implantation phenotypes of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro.
SPAM1 and PH-20 are two gene products expressed in bovine testis and present in sperm
Use of Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy: A Descriptive Study of Clinical Practice Trends.
First and Third Trimester Uterine Scar Thickness in Women With Previous Caesarean: A Prospective Comparative Study
First-Trimester Uterine Artery Doppler for the Prediction of SGA at Birth: The Great Obstetrical Syndromes Study.
First-Trimester Placental Growth Factor for the Prediction of Preeclampsia in Nulliparous Women: The Great Obstetrical Syndromes Cohort Study.